Saturday, January 16, 2010


"NEW" resolution: in the case of my classroom I will do my best to encourage my students to look outside the box as I have been asked to do in teaching this class. I hope to show them that they have the resources in front of them to find the answers to their questions I have to show them the channels. Show them that I am learning right along with them, and from them. I hope to make this a great experience for my students.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Year

My students were ready to return to school this week. As many they found themselves bored and it was too cold to venture outside for very long. We are getting back on track after our break. My students are leaving comments on Sandy River Middle School students pages. They kids got a kick out of the other students work and I saw them getting ideas for their own wiki pages. We are blogging once a week on different topics of interest. Tomorrow I hope to have everyone connected and using the help desk, (schedule permitting).